The education of the Portuguese
There are honest and very good people in Portugal, the problem is that the majority will always steal from everyone and everything, as long as the opportunity arises. Most Portuguese are inherently dishonest, so they have no problems of conscience and there is no right and wrong for them, or else there is, the right thing to do is to steal, lie and not get caught. Which is very easy in Portugal, with the blessing and protection of the perfidious Portuguese (in)Justice system.
Portugal is what it is because the Portuguese are what they are.
Since the majority of Portuguese children are raised by dishonest parents, it’s only natural that they also tend to become dishonest adults very easily, unless they are born with a very strong character that allows them to instinctively distinguish between right and wrong. Although, Portuguese parents naturally love their children, most of them are inept as also don’t know any good moral values, only bad ones or, most likely, no values at all to pass on to their children, instead, they transmit “values” (actively or passively), such as; crooks are very smart people (and implicitly set an example to follow), instead crooks are the cancer of any society that must be protected from them in order to guarantee the normal functioning and due prosperity and happiness of its honest and hard-working citizens. Disgracefully, in Portugal, from my anecdotal perception, only 5% of people are inherently upright and concerned, the remaining 95% are pure trash, morally speaking, or simpletons at best.
The rot in the country starts within the Portuguese families themselves.
It is a fact that the majority of Portuguese who assume a position of greater or lesser power, especially in the public sector and when the opportunity arises, take advantage of their position to steal “embezzle” as much as they can, be it money, goods or merchandise. That’s why corruption in Portugal is so systemic and deep-rooted in politics, the judiciary or any public sector, because it is the very Portuguese people as a whole who don’t care anything at all, because everyone would (and actually does) the same thing when they have a shot. The truth is that the Portuguese really LIKE corruption, because they are thinking about themselves too!
Most Portuguese are very coward, so they won’t rob you by physically threatening you, but they will certainly steal from you if they know they won’t be caught, or that they are protected by Portugal’s thoroughly corrupt, utterly evil and abysmally incompetent “judiciary”, which is guaranteed from the get-go.

I remember once seeing a Portuguese man I was having lunch with in a restaurant steal a cup of coffee at the end of the meal. The candid justification he gave me was that he collects coffee cups. Just that, so in his mind, just because he likes to collect coffee cups (nothing wrong with that), it’s then okay to steal them?! I was shocked (this type of situation, petty theft, is very common among the Portuguese), but why didn’t he ask the restaurant owner if he could take the coffee cup, since he really likes it and would be very happy to add it to his coffee cup collection? The restaurant owner almost certainly wouldn’t mind giving him the cup, and in the very unlikely event that the owner didn’t grant his request, he might offer to buy one for his collection. It’s only a mug, but a theft is a theft and if someone steals a frigging mug, naturally they’d just as fast steal a million euros. That’s why Portugal is an eternally miserable country. Portugal’s problem is the Portuguese people themselves, the majority of whom have a total absence of moral values.
I once went with my wife to have breakfast at a fast food hamburger restaurant (McD) and we were very surprised to hear the employee apologize for not serving coffee in porcelain cups, but in cardboard cups. She said that they couldn’t supply any more porcelain cups because they had all been stolen by customers, Portuguese customers. (sigh)
Truly intelligent people are honest; dishonesty comes from weakness, which is linked to a defective brain and low intelligence. Intelligence does good, but evil always ends in stupidity and the destruction of all that is good and beautiful. History has tragically taught us this over and over again.
Evil hates beauty and intelligence.
It is irrefutable and makes perfect sense that the most developed countries are always the ones with the least corruption or no corruption to speak of, and the poor countries are always the ones with the most corruption and crooks.

What makes this tragic situation even worse, is that corruption and nepotism in Portugal is not limited to grand corruption (as if that weren’t already enough), there is also, shall we say, unfettered petty corruption, which is extremely prolific and deeply rooted in the majority of the Portuguese population of civil servants, who, as long as they have the opportunity, will steal “divert” from the State (taxpayers’ money) as easily as chewing a piece of gum. This can range from the theft of a simple child’s ruler to the often artificially inflated budgets of the many public institutions, which also result in the criminal waste of goods that have no practical use whatsoever, just for the sake of keeping the extremely inflated flow of public state money (taxpayers’ money) in their coffers, so that they can happily distribute the stolen money and goods to many “friends” and “family” pockets and homes. These situations touches everyone, from the cleaning lady to the manager of that public institution, be it a town hall or a hospital. It happens with everything, everyone and all the time! It is the typical crooked and self-serving mentality of the Portuguese at work, and of course, they don’t see anything wrong with it, quite the opposite. Such sick and primitive mindset can only be explained by the very poor genetics of the Portuguese in general.
Which means that Portugal ends up having a public spending of at least three countries, just counting this “petty” corruption, now add to that the grand corruption.
And this is to where the EU is sending our money?! Unacceptable!
Portugal has practically the same population as Sweden, so why such difference in civilizational development and GDP value creation? It’s pretty obvious, it all comes down to the quality of the people: on the one hand, the very corrupt and stupid Portuguese and, on the other hand, the very honest and intelligent Swedes, broadly speaking.
I really don’t understand dishonesty, it’s like crapping on your own face and losing all your dignity, but since we’re talking about immoral and unscrupulous people, of course, for this kind there is no such thing as the “pesky” dignity to get in the way of their “interests”.
As a Portuguese person, I have to admit I initially got a bit defensive because generalizations can be extreme. However, I must agree that there is a certain dishonesty among some people in Portugal. There’s this habit of taking things not out of need, but simply because they can or want to. For example, I often hear people say, ‘Oh, they have too many fruit trees and don’t know what to do with the fruit.’ But then I wonder—why didn’t they just ask for the fruit instead of trespassing and taking it?
This also applies to jobs, especially in construction. People often try to do things the quickest, cheapest way. There’s a tendency for people to take on tasks they aren’t qualified for, leaving things half-finished or unsafe. It reflects a lack of standards and work ethic. Many Portuguese also tend to boast about their expertise in various areas. They claim to be specialists, assuring you that things can be done easily, but then they fail to deliver. It’s really exhausting.
I didnt wnt to think so, until I realized that this is true! Portugal has shown me cruelty beyond fraud: known businesses that use fraudulent vendors, fraudulent theiving neighbors who will harrass you, even follow you, to scam you. And if you seek help from neighbor association, you will find that the very president is a monster who helps target single women (she being a woman herself). Child-care related business neglecting children while charging hundreds of euros for 1 week. I hate to say it but I regret moving to PORTUGAL land of fraud!
After reading the below article I finally understood why for many years on a continuous basis FedEx Portugal takes 1 to 2 weeks to dispatch documents shipments internationally from Lisbon, Portugal!
“Portugal is the European country with the highest rate of depression and the second in the world, but it is estimated that one third of the population with severe mental disorders are not being treated, Lusa news agency reported.
According to the coordinator for the European Alliance Against Depression, psychiatrist Ricardo Gusmão, the United States is the only country that is ahead of Portugal in the rate of depression and mental disorders in general.
Gusmão believes that, although the use of antidepressants is much higher in Portugal than in other countries, there are still many seriously ill patients without treatment. “The most serious consequence of untreated depression is suicide and most suicides occur in the context of depression,” he said.”
Only absolutely mentally ill people and companies run by such mentally ill and depressed people can ignore such business common sense to dispatch shipments ASAP within hours of being picked up since they are a SPEED COURIER for God’s sake!
Stuck in Portugal being dependent on their horrible Fedex “service”.
“There are still many seriously ill patients without treatment in Portugal” and they are running businesses in a really depressed way. How do they remain in business that’s another question. Perhaps most of their customers are mentally ill as well?
Hi Walter,
Broadly speaking, unfortunately this is the norm, the quality of international companies in Portugal is almost always much lower than the standards of the parent company. Of course, this has to do with the fact that they are managed and operated by Portuguese people, but indirectly also due to the dysfunctional involvement of the Portuguese society and State as a whole. Nevertheless, there are very hardworking people in Portugal, though they are a very small minority.