Job interview for a Portuguese politician:
Job interviewer – “Hey, Ivone, just negotiate something for you to manage some shit!”
Job candidate – “I don’t give a shit, I just want salary!”
This is how Portuguese politicians get their jobs, “through very difficult and judicious interviews”, I apologize, not jobs but salaries, which in the end is all they are interested in, “receiving” big salaries from the taxpayers’ money without doing anything.
It should be noted that this police investigation is superfluous, because in the end, as always, there will be no real convictions and everything will be archived for some random reason like “no wrongdoing was found”. And in many years, the Portuguese will forget, which is not difficult at all, because at this moment they have already forgotten.
Just a “small” detail. This investigation started only eight years after an anonymous tip, yes, you read that right! Hmmm! I wonder why that is?
The following article is a translation (mostly MT). You can find the link to the original website at the end of it.
Wiretaps and emails from the Tutti-Frutti process reveal how, during the investigation, “pots” are distributed by PSD activists, people close to them and even family members.
“Hey, Ivone, just negotiate something for you to manage some shit”
“I don’t give a shit, I just want salary”
This is one of the expressions used in a wiretap that the Public Prosecutor’s Office considers to have criminal relevance, and which is therefore part of the Tutti Frutti investigation, which TVI and CNN Portugal, stations that belong to the same group, are revealing throughout this week.
After, this Tuesday, Jornal Nacional disclosed operations, wiretaps and emails that compromise current members of the PS government who at the time of the investigation were leading the Lisbon City Council – Fernando Medina and Duarte Cordeiro -, on Wednesday the focus is on network of interests created by PSD politicians elected to parish councils.