In Portugal, you can also die at the door of a hospital, as if you were an animal, a pig, according to the words of the victim’s older brother.
When the family arrived at the hospital, they were just told that they were sorry, but at that time there were no doctors in the hospital, and so the man apparently ended up dying there on the asphalt of the road (as if this human being was a roadkill thrown on the side of the road!) Portugal!!!
The following article is a translation (mostly MT). You can find the link to the original website at the end of it.
“We knocked on the door, there was no one to answer us: there were no doctors, not a stretcher, not a sheet”: eye to eye with the minister, the family member of a man who died outside the hospital.
Manuel Pizarro was confronted by family members of a person who died outside the hospital due to a lack of doctors. “Put yourself in our shoes”.
“Don’t let a situation like this happen again, Minister.” The appeal is made by the older brother of a
man who died last Friday in Serpa, after going into cardiorespiratory arrest outside the hospital in that city, which was closed because there were no doctors to treat users.
This Monday, two days after what happened, the Minister of Health maintained his agenda, going to Serpa on a day marked by a series of visits to health units in the Beja district. Upon arriving at the unit, he was confronted by the victim’s family, who was 64 years old.
“Are you the oldest? My feelings”, said Manuel Pizarro to the victim’s older brother, before listening to complaints from family members but also from the inhabitants of the Alentejo city.
The man listened to the minister’s words, then said what he expected from now on: “We demand that this not happen again. We knocked on the door and there was no one to answer us. They said there were no doctors. Not a stretcher, not a sheet.
The person looked like a pig at the hospital door. Tell me, what is this? Put yourself in our shoes.”
Manuel Pizarro listened carefully to the words, showing concern for his family, who he had to face again when the first event of the morning ended.
“Who is going to take responsibility for my uncle’s death? I just want this answer”, said one of the victim’s nephews, visibly indignant. Manuel Pizarro heard the complaints again, guaranteeing that responsibilities will have to be determined.
“I can’t talk about this case. There is a determination of responsibilities that has to be done and I cannot get involved in that”, he reiterated.
In between, the Minister of Health also had to deal with the rest of the population, who echoed cries of “shame” or “we want our hospital”, with some even suggesting that the lack of response in the service involves a captivation ordered by the Ministry of Finance.
Faced with this, and even before Manuel Pizarro left the place, the family just wants this to mean something.
“There are messages that leave here, go into the drawer and everything is archived”, concluded the victim’s older brother, who was 64 years old.
Management decision for 2024
The Minister of Health sent a decision on the possible reversion of the management of the Serpa hospital, in the district of Beja, to the National Health Service (SNS) for the end of 2024.
“We will have the whole of next year to make a final decision on whether or not to revert [hospital management] to the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit”, said the government official, speaking to journalists in Serpa.
Manuel Pizarro, who was speaking at the end of a meeting at the Chamber of Serpa (CDU), part of the Open Health initiative of the Ministry of Health, dedicated to Baixo Alentejo, highlighted that the management of the hospital has been in the hands of the local Misericórdia since 2014.
“We have watched with concern the difficulties in the hospital’s functioning”, he admitted, stressing that the Government is “seeking to help Misericórdia to overcome the difficulties it has had and which have hampered its regular functioning”.
Noting that “the hospital’s Misericórdia management contract ends at the end of 2024”, the minister insisted that the institution that manages the hospital unit must be helped to “be able to put the hospital into full operation”.