In this scheme, took part several public institutions in Lisbon, law firms, PSP facilities and vehicles, facilities of the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), the Traffic Division of the PSP of Lisbon, the Financial Management Department of the PSP and the Lisbon Municipal Police… Uff! It’s a big list, no doubt!
They sought out drivers who had been the target of administrative infractions, and in exchange for financial benefits, favorable decisions were obtained for drivers who had been the target of administrative infractions, in order to remove the data from the National Driving Register (RNC) or to obtain second copies of their driving licenses.
Anything goes in Portugal!
The following article is a translation (mostly MT). You can find the link to the original website at the end of it.
Three detainees and five defendants in searches of the IMT, PSP, Highway Authority and lawyer offices
Three detainees and five defendants are the balance of the PSP operation within the scope of an investigation into active and passive corruption that led to searches being carried out at several public bodies in Lisbon, a PSP source told Lusa.
At issue in the PSP investigation are crimes of active and passive corruption, illegitimate access, computer fraud, personal favoritism, denial of justice and malfeasance.
The 31 searches were carried out at residences, law offices, PSP facilities and vehicles, facilities of the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), Traffic Division of PSP Lisbon, Department of Management PSP Finance and Lisbon Municipal Police.
According to the Lisbon District Attorney General’s Office, members of the PSP’s traffic division, employees and jurists from the ANSR, the IMT, and the AutomĂłvel Club de Portugal and lawyers were dedicated, at least since 2015, to identifying drivers who had been targeted of administrative offenses through improper access to computer databases related to case management — SCOR and SIGA.
In exchange for financial benefits, favorable decisions were obtained for drivers subject to administrative offenses.
in order to eliminate data from their National Drivers Register (RNC) or obtain second copies of driving licenses.
One of the suspects is an ACP employee, and the search warrant was executed at his residence and not at the premises of the AutomĂłvel Club de Portugal, which, however, in a statement, it states that “no searches were carried out at its facilities” and that it was “unaware of any steps related to the aforementioned investigation.”
The investigation inquiry is led by magistrates from the 9th section of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) of Lisbon, and the operation was carried out by the PSP in collaboration with the Telecommunications and IT Unit of the Judiciary Police.