It can be said that a Spanish doctor is worth 285 times more than a Portuguese doctor: Spanish doctor - 234 surgeries in six days | Portuguese doctor - 0.82 surgeries in six days. The Spanish doctor says "I understand their concern and I know why there are such long waiting lists in Portugal. It's just that they charge around two thousand euros for each private operation". Oops!
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The Public Prosecutor's Office has been BLOCKED by a judge from doing its job, in this case questioning a suspect about possible PSD funding, the PSD being one of the two main central government parties in Portugal.
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How can you run a country into the ground and still be hailed as a hero by the people of that same country? It is enough to have been the most corrupt and destructive Prime Minister of Portugal...
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A lawyer and a woman have been arrested on suspicion of fraud and embezzlement in obtaining subsidies and forging documents. Both are suspected of setting up fraud schemes involving European funds. European money was used to buy high-end cars, including a Ferrari and a McLaren.
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Portugal only gives the European Union headaches. This time they have decided to open the doors of the Schengen area to any citizen of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries), but the problem is that it is being done arbitrarily, without rules and without any minimum acceptable requirement other than paying 15 euros, for an almost "free" access to the common EU Schengen area.
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The festival of corruption in Portuguese parishes continues in full swing. And all parties are invited. These contracts are invariably surrounded by pompous names, but in practice they say nothing about the real value that this "friendly" person or entity provides to the parish council.
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It's hard to write a preamble about this news, it makes my blood boil to see such human decay, and further irrefutable proof that Portugal is indeed a dictatorship, as if there wasn't already enough blatant evidence. This woman, who probably (because in Portugal all evidence is systematically hidden, postponed, erased or literally destroyed) during her entire career systematically dismissed thousands of corruption cases (only of what is known) worth billions of euros that passed through her hands during almost 13 long years of raping democracy...
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This shocking news is a very good report of how most public hospitals in Portugal work, with more or less seriousness. It is very frightening to know that a patient who goes to a Portuguese hospital in search of help actually runs the risk of leaving in a worse state of health than when he entered, or even of suffering a very common "accidental" death, for which there is never a responsible or culpable party.
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Forgive my expression, but this already seems like an orgy of corrupt. The shamelessness, the lack of scruples, the normality is absolutely abysmal in Portugal. Contracts worth more than 70 thousand euros are awarded directly to one-person companies that have been set up in a hurry, a month ago or very recently, and therefore have no history or even clients.
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Banif, a bank in which the Portuguese State intervened with 1100 million euros of taxpayers' money, taking over 99.2% of the bank, paid its manager in Brazil 982.3 thousand euros in "bonuses", more than any other banker in Portugal! It should be noted that this bank had only a residual presence in the Brazilian market.
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It is the total impunity in Portugal! These countless crooks have carte blanche to steal from anyone at any time. The case presented here is frighteningly the same as what happened to me, practically the only difference is the object of purchase...
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In Portugal, legislators serve those who "finance" them, not the people who elected them. Many deputies are also managers of companies with which the state negotiates contracts with Portuguese money. (!!!)
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In this scheme, took part several public institutions in Lisbon, law firms, PSP facilities and vehicles, facilities of the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), the Traffic Division of the PSP of Lisbon, the Financial Management Department of the PSP and the Lisbon Municipal Police… Uff! It's a big list, no doubt!
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Only after NINE years, this former banker was finally accused of 65 crimes, namely criminal association, active corruption, document forgery, qualified fraud, money laundering, breach of trust and market manipulation, causing "losses" of more than 11.8 billion euros (of what is known to the public).
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Job interview for a Portuguese politician: Job interviewer - "Hey, Ivone, just negotiate something for you to manage some shit!". Job candidate - "I don't give a shit, I just want salary!". This is how Portuguese politicians get their jobs, "through very difficult and judicious interviews".
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Portugal is a country full of urgent needs at all levels and with paltry salaries, yet it can pay 4 million euros from the public purse for a medicine to be administered in Portugal to some citizens living in Brazil, for the simple reason that they, in their own words, "knew the daughter-in-law of the President of the Portuguese Republic, who knew the Minister of Health".
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Not bad, in one afternoon a profit of 5.2 million euros for signing two deeds for the same building. In total and in just over a year, this company had a net profit of 8.9 million euros.
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The title of this article tells a "la palice" truth, but for the Portuguese it is not like that, and that is why this criminal (an understatement) and his countless cronies have led Portugal to bankruptcy, the consequences of which are being felt today and for many decades to come by future generations, condemning the lives of generations to impoverishment...
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Want to know how Portuguese "justice" works? The judge presiding over the Face Oculta case announced today that "THE IMMEDIATE DESTRUCTION OF WIRETAPS" made to former Prime Minister José Sócrates has been ordered. Kim Jong Un would be so proud of the Portuguese.
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This gentleman, Paulo Morais, really says it all, here are some shocking sentences from him: "The gentlemen who built this bridge managed, with only 200 million euros, to OWN the tolls of the Vasco da Gama Bridge and the 25 de Abril Bridge for a generation."
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The usual scams in Portugal, in this case dental clinics that, after receiving money from unsuspecting victims, do not provide any treatment or adequate and professional treatment, but keep the clients' money.
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Yet another story of the Portuguese judiciary zealously protecting criminals from their victims. This time it was a judge who "inadvertently" ignored the law that did not allow a new appeal for the convicted defendant in a case that was about to be "extinguished" because, not surprisingly, that is exactly what happened.
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Money, money, money, tax money for me, for you, for all of us and also for my dog, who deserves it. And the feast with Portuguese taxpayers' money continues, this time with the current party in power. Personal contracts by direct agreement without public tender reaching values of 123,000 euros (of course, this only scratches the surface).
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In Portugal, even dioceses associated with the Church are swindlers! The leaders of this Christian diocese, in order to get the maximum amount of money from Social Security, duplicated users, used the names of people from other social centers, invented users, and even used the names of dead people, referring to them by the interesting name of "UFOs"!
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A 26-year-old young woman dies one week after a simple dental operation. Health care in Portugal could be a lottery of tragedies! Situations like this could happen with frightening regularity.
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This very sad news shows how great unknown risks can be taken in Portugal, including risking one's own life, even when doing good for other people.
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"All the agents of the Public Ministry (who can no longer be called magistrates) are now only a long hand of the will of the Attorney General of the Republic. The latter, appointed by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Government, will be directly responsible for everything that happens in the Public Prosecutor's Office: for what she orders, for what she should have ordered, for what she allows, for what she does not prevent".
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The problem is that not even these 3 tiny anti-corruption measures that Portugal has implemented out of 15 recommendations will be fulfilled according to the spirit of what is written, that is, in Portugal they will be completely irrelevant laws, because in Portugal the laws are only used to compose the facade of a democracy and a fake rule of law state. Laws in Portugal are not meant to be taken seriously, and 99% of the time they never are.
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Even in a disaster as terrible as the devastating fire of Pedrógão Grande in 2017, which caused 66 deaths and 253 injuries, destroyed about 500 houses, of which 261 were permanent homes, and 50 businesses, the victims were robbed, most of whom never received the aid supposedly intended for them, including millions of euros in personal donations, and many people even went hungry without access to food.
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Portuguese Golden Visas are only a good idea on paper, in reality many, if not most, of the people involved in this scheme (scam), to a greater or lesser extent, have seen their lives wiped out, or at least their return and experience fell far short of what was promised by the countless, let's call them "actors" of this tragic comedy that in the whole world could only happen in Portugal.
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A gang of Portuguese deputies devised schemes to obtain patrimonial and non-patrimonial benefits at the expense of the public treasury. These frauds to steal money from the Portuguese were carried out in almost the entire municipality of Lisbon and beyond, following the party line and the usual "friends".
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How to be a millionaire and instantly become poor? Bring all your money to Portugal! This bankruptcy case is completely buried, as you will read, in very strong factual illegalities committed, as well as numerous indicators also strongly suspicious of criminal activity, to say the least, however, being Portugal, absolutely nothing is ever investigated because everyone is in on it.
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In Portugal everything is for sale, including obviously "favorable" court decisions. A Public Finance Jurist at the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Porto demanded thousands of euros in "bribes" in exchange for the tate losing court cases.
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In Portugal, you can also die at the door of a hospital, as if you were an animal, a pig, according to the words of the victim's older brother. When the family arrived at the hospital, they were just told that they were sorry, but at that time there were no doctors in the hospital, and so the man apparently ended up dying there on the asphalt of the road...
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Another totally absurd and criminal sentence from another corrupt Portuguese judge, one that perfectly illustrates why Portuguese justice is such an aberration, a horror movie, a criminal institution above all. It is very clear that this judge is far more concerned about the crook than about his many victims (I wonder why!), going so far as to state something so outrageously insulting to the victims as "not to jeopardize the dignity and livelihood of the accused"...
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On the very rare occasions when Portuguese justice does its job, the Portuguese population reacts in the opposite direction, taking the side of the convicted corrupt. At the prison gate, hundreds of cars greet him with shouts of "Long live the president" and honking horns.
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In Portugal, nothing goes in your favor, even if you are very lucky not to be defrauded and stolen, or simply decide not to invest in Portugal, which is the only right decision to make, your money, even quietly deposited in Portuguese banks, will shrink a lot.
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The lame justification given by the party for these deposits was that they were donations collected at parties and dinners, and that the rush to deposit them on those end-of-year days was explained by the change in the party financing law, of which had just been made known to CDS officials. The receipts for all these deposits were also issued on dates after the deposits were made. Obviously, all of this makes no sense and is highly compromising.
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Six thousand people scammed! Just because they bought a house to live in! These six thousand defrauded people bought their houses with official documents issued by the City Council, explicitly stating that they were houses for "habitation", but after a few years they discovered that they had not bought a "house" in the legal sense, but rather an "accommodation unit" intended for commercial tourism.
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Portugal is such an absurdly dysfunctional and dangerous country that even giving birth in a Portuguese hospital can have disastrous consequences for the life of the mother and her family. The end result is that the health consequences are so severe that this mother will never be able to have children...
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In Portugal, political promiscuity and corruption are really from another planet. I've never seen anything like it. Politicians, judges and journalists are often one and the same thing, they all seem to belong to the same family, and often they do.
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A 29-year-old man died at São José Hospital in Lisbon because, as the hospital told the deceased's mother, "it was bad luck that he (chose) to have a brain aneurysm on Friday, because there was no team of neurosurgeons available over the weekend."
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The Portuguese political class is in fact, for the most part, a "mega center of corruption in plain sight", where the greatest promiscuity reigns among people who alternate between holding public office and managing business groups that supply the Portuguese state.
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In the American telegram entitled "What is wrong with the Portuguese Ministry of Defense", it is stated that Portugal buys weapons as a matter of pride and to overcome inferiority complexes, whether they are useful or not. The most obvious examples are its two submarines and 39 fighter jets, of which only 12 are capable of flying (what a joke).
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"We don't know the real number of fraud cases in Portugal," says Ana Carla Almeida. Thank you! That is very reassuring to know! In Portugal it is like this: 2,709 suspected cases of fraud in the use of European funds were reported in the QREN, but so far there have only been two cases of proven fraud, involving 200 thousand euros in agricultural aid. In Portugal 2020, there were 1,320 suspected cases and none proven.
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The title says it all, so here we have another "spectacular" stone age ruling from a Portuguese judge, and he even has the nerve to quote the Bible in his ruling, saying "we can read in the Bible that the adulterous woman must be punished by death". So implicitly he was saying that his sentence was actually kind because what this woman really deserved was to die! I'm stunned!
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Unfortunately, this situation is actually the fault of the Portuguese people, who for the most part are just as dishonest and corrupt as all the corrupt people running the country, whom they actually admire very much. It is no coincidence that José Sócrates won the elections twice, when everyone already knew exactly how rotten he was, and now this António Costa, by the way a long-time friend of Sócrates, has also been elected by the Portuguese people for the second time in a row, but this time the Portuguese gave him an absolute majority! The simple truth is that the Portuguese really LOVE crooks! As absurd as it sounds, but because they are crooks too!
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Be very careful with some Portuguese dentists, because you can find real butchers and sociopaths, like this swindler, who not only destroys people's mouths, but also keeps their money and even has the nerve to send his victims to a psychiatrist.
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The fire that devastated 86% of Pinhal de Leiria in October 2017 was criminally caused, for economic gain. The pine forest was trapped with resin pots filled with pine needles to start the flames. The Judicial Police had already concluded that the fire was caused by criminal activity. This is a heinous crime against the environmental heritage.
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It is very easy to conclude from this extensive news that Portugal is definitely a madhouse. However, it turns out that this is a problem that starts with the Portuguese mindset, for reasons as diverse as ingrained incompetence, laziness, sloppiness, dishonesty, disorganization, and the fact that the Portuguese generally don't give a damn about each other.
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This Portuguese deputy, who seems to be an upright person, reveals with simple but startling words a series of very serious and disturbing facts that expose the false Portuguese democracy at the service of criminals, with the usual connivance and passivity of most Portuguese people.
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In this article, the journalist Manuela Moura Guedes, a person of moral integrity like very few others in Portugal (and who paid a high price for it), accused the former Attorneys General of the Republic, Pinto Monteiro and Cândida Almeida, of having "done everything possible to stifle the cases involving former Prime Minister José Sócrates". Which is 100% true!
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Gonçalo Neves, also known as Tofu, became a paraplegic 12 years ago after a car accident left him in a vegetative state due to a traumatic brain injury. In true Portuguese style, the case dragged on in court for 12 (twelve!) years! Only now have they received compensation! And where is the other compensation for the 12 years of total hell, on all levels, psychological, financial, etc., that they went through…? It's something that of course nobody cares about…
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In Portugal, the promiscuity and corruption between football, political power and judicial power is total and very stinky. In this case, the son of a director of a famous Portuguese football club, did not want to pay the IMI, the property tax, what a bummer, nobody likes to pay, but we all have to pay. No, that's where I'm wrong, this entitled gentleman thought he was above other Portuguese citizens... (and in the end he really was).
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The current finance minister, Fernando Medina, is formally suspected of several crimes, but to date neither the finance minister nor any of the suspected government officials have been charged in at least five cases related to the years in which the Socialist led the Lisbon Chamber.
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A case of true horror that could only happen in Portugal. This obstetrician, who had already accumulated many complaints for failing to detect malformations on ultrasound scans, also "missed" the case of a girl who had "inverted legs, no chin, and also serious brain injuries". I'm not an obstetrician, but I don't think even I would miss that!
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Portugal is probably the EU country with the most tolls per kilometer on highways and national roads, because the Portuguese have to constantly pay (what is already paid) to the mafiosi who orchestrated the ruinous PPP and SCUT contracts, with obscene never-ending margins and profits.
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Portugal is not only mocking the EU, but also the OECD and the whole world. As long as Europe and the world continue to treat Portugal as if it were a legitimate democracy, instead of the dictatorship it actually is, we will all continue to be mocked and robbed by the Portuguese crooks...
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Chief of staff of the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, a businessman from Leiria and 19 other defendants, including 11 companies, are the main suspects of fraud in obtaining European subsidies, tax fraud, fraud and money laundering and forgery of documents.
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Clear discrimination against Spanish citizens, just for the reason that they are not Portuguese citizens. "Ticket hunting" for cars with Spanish license plates. Crossing the border to work in Portugal can be a nightmare for Spanish doctors working in Portuguese hospitals.
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Fernando Medina, the current Minister of Finance of Portugal, is "suspected" (I say this because, as you know, in Portugal there are no corrupt people, at most there are only suspects) of having conspired, as soon as he took over the presidency of the Municipality of Lisbon, in a scheme to obtain bribes for the illegal financing of his PS party.
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Nearly 1 billion euros stolen from the State by doctors, pharmacists, service providers and users through fraud in the National Health Service. Theft of prescriptions and medical vignettes, prescription of drugs with high levels of government reimbursement, and falsification of prescriptions to purchase drugs at multiple pharmacies in a given region.
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ATTENTION, what this article reports is extremely serious, because in fact it leaves no doubt, absolutely NO doubt, that Portugal is a DICTATORSHIP! This is one of the most important articles on this blog, if not the most important and revealing about the dictatorship that is Portugal.
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The coordinator of the Lisbon Airport Fiscal Authority and 16 employees took possession of hundreds of "lost and found" items worth thousands of euros. Now you know what probably happened to your laptop, watch, smartphone or any other item you "lost" at the Portuguese airport.
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How to be as inhuman and cruel as possible: "They broke the news to her in the coldest and cruelest way. They told her: "Your daughter has something, she is dead! They didn't even call a psychologist. What they did was totally inhuman," criticizes Father Luís Dias.
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The organized group, made up of driving school owners, instructors and examiners, provided exam students, who paid 1,000 to 5,000 euros, with technological equipment designed to capture the questions that appeared on the theoretical exam monitor...
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In Portugal, if you don't die from the operation, you die from waiting. This is so sad, Portugal is a diabolical country to live in.
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"I don't forget my friends," says a Portuguese politician to another politician, beginning one of the wiretaps that are part of the police investigation. Portuguese nepotism at its best: schemes involving favors, contracts, agreements, jobs and even hired mothers. On the party benches in the Lisbon Municipal Assembly, they serve wages as if they were lunch, of course, to do nothing, not even to show up.
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In what country does an entire class of professionals emigrate en masse? Let alone a class as important to a country and its health as nurses! I honestly don't know, nor have I ever heard of such a thing, because not even in so-called third world countries does this happen on such scale!
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The answer is clearly YES, and that is the intention. And at the same time it's a nightmare for honest people. The Portuguese state and all governments in Portugal have never had and will never have a real desire to change the state of things, because it goes against the interests not only of the politicians, but in essence of most of Portuguese society, which coexists very well with the corrupt, thieves and scum in general.
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The doctor who heads the Lisbon Municipal Council signs not one, but three direct contracts with a member of his party. This member, who seems to have many and very generous friends (with money that does not belong to them), also received a salary from another party friend, who was also very generous with other people's money, the Portuguese taxpayers' money.
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YES, you read that right! Dragging your wife down the street by her neck is not considered domestic violence in Portugal, because according to a Portuguese judge, it is not a sufficiently cruel and humiliating act to be considered domestic violence.
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The former Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates, was, as far as is known, the most corrupt person in Portugal to occupy the highest executive position of the Portuguese State, however, as we can read in this necessarily long and dumbfounding post, he was acquitted (as is the norm in Portugal) of all extremely serious charges, namely corruption, being charged only with peanuts...
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Corruption in Portugal has another name, it is called "helping your friends". It is perfectly normal in Portugal for large contracts to be awarded "directly" for "consulting" type services without any independent scrutiny...
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The public company Parque Escolar (PE) authorized illegal expenses and payments of (at least) 492 million euros, since they had not been previously remitted and audited by the Court of Auditors (TC), although the public company is obliged to do so. In the end, the sentence was only a fine of 2200 euros!! Do the math!
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Although it was a television contest, it speaks volumes about the primitive mentality and positioning of the Portuguese people in general, completely out of step with the democratic and free world of modern nations in the 21st century...
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Want to know why waiting lists in Portuguese public hospitals can take months or years? Read this article and you'll be very enlightened.
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I don't know whether to laugh or throw up at this news about Portuguese customs. But whether this happened in the Middle Ages or today is irrelevant, because the Portuguese back then could not be genetically different from the Portuguese today... What does this say about the mental state of these people?
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Since Portugal is a very rich country where the people have a very high quality of life (sarc.), it is possible to be very generous towards the believers of the Muslim religion. That is why the city council of Lisbon will donate 3 million euros of Portuguese money for the construction of a Muslim mosque.
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The IPO (Portuguese Institute of Oncology) in Lisbon has spent 10 million euros on several private radiotherapy machines, but yet only one machine is in operation. Why is that?
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Certainly, among hundreds or millions of anonymous cases of more or less severity, this article can only present four horrifying stories about the "treatment" that so many people undergo when they need intervention in a hospital in Portugal, from dying in hospital after a simple operation to nasal polyps, and family members still having to wait 20 years for the case to reach the European Court just to receive some justice
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This news seems like a (bad) joke, as absurd and scabrous it is, but this happened in a court in Portugal, which is the norm. What's even more shocking, if that's possible, is that this sentence was handed down by a female judge.
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Portugal is an eternally postponed country. Nothing ever goes the right way in Portugal because the interests of the countless corrupt always come first. Obviously, Portugal is not only not converging with the EU as it should, it is actually diverging, and at an exponential rate.
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In Portugal it's like this: the law says one thing, but the politicians do another. The law in Portugal is just a piece of paper to blow your nose on. This time, a government minister and the Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA), with the greatest audacity, are hiding the updated values of the lifetime monthly subsidy granted to 298 former political office holders.
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Revealing and very interesting chronicle about the responsibility of the current Portuguese Prime Minister (and his "friends") for the deeply vegetative, corrupt and miserable situation in which Portuguese society has always found itself. As the author rightly puts it, "Portugal has the stability of cemeteries".
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