Honest lawyer who denounced corrupt man forced to pay a fine of 4,800 euros by Portuguese “justice”

ATTENTION, what this article reports is extremely serious, because in fact it leaves no doubt, absolutely NO doubt, that Portugal is a DICTATORSHIP! This is one of the most important articles on this blog, if not the most important and revealing about the dictatorship that is Portugal.

This lawyer simply did what any good, responsible and even courageous citizen would do when given the opportunity to denounce an act of corruption and the corresponding corrupt, he should have been given a medal! In any democratic country, where the law exists and is on the side of good, justice is very grateful to citizens who denounce corruption and the corrupt. In Portugal, the EXACT opposite is true, i.e. the façade of Portuguese (in)justice has completely dropped its cowardly mask and clearly revealed to the world that Portuguese “justice” is on the side of EVIL!

It is totally UNACCEPTABLE that these criminal dogs, pretending to be false defenders of justice and goodness, had the nerve to cowardly ATTACK this great man for doing what was right and what is the duty of every citizen of a democratic and just country.

Now look at this, after reading the verdict, the female judge threatened Ricardo Sá Fernandes so that these situations [illegal recordings] “DO NOT happen again”, adding that she “hopes that this case has served as a LESSON for the accused”. WHAT A BITCH!!!

It is TOTALLY clear that the intention of this Portuguese non-judge in the service of the criminals and the corrupt is to send a message of INTIMIDATION to the Portuguese people, just like what was done in the former Soviet Union and now in Putin’s country!

It is also very revealing about the rotten Portuguese society as a whole that the only support this honest man of great integrity received came from the European Court of Human Rights, which obviously agreed with him and forced the dogs of the Portuguese judiciary to compensate him, and none that I know of from any Portuguese people, quite the opposite, other dogs, this time the Bar Association itself jumped on its own associated lawyer like a pack of rabid dogs, attacking him in the lowest manner and with such stupid and distorted arguments and lies, so typical of so many Portuguese people and tyrannies.

I apologize for my harsher language in this article, but in the face of such human obscenity it is the only appropriate way to react!
It makes me sick to know that this country of authoritarian vermin is in the EU! WHY?!!!

The following article is a translation (mostly MT). You can find the link to the original website at the end of it.

Sá Fernandes sentenced to a fine of 1,200 euros for illicit recording

(Blog author addendum: the fine was later increased to 4,800 euros)

Lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes was sentenced today by the Criminal Courts of Lisbon to a fine of 1200 euros for the crime of illicitly recording a conversation held with Domingos NĂ©voa in the “Bragaparques Case”.

The alleged illegal recording made in 2006 by Sá Fernandes arose following an investigation into whether the businessman had tried to bribe a Lisbon counselor (his brother José Sá Fernandes) to give up on a popular action contesting the exchange of land from Parque Mayer to those from Feira Popular.

The lawyer was acquitted in the first instance, but after an appeal filed by Domingos NĂ©voa,

the Lisbon Court of Appeal (TRL) sentenced the defendant for committing the crime to a sentence that varies between imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of 240 days.

Sá Fernandes then saw the Supreme Court of Justice reject his appeal and order that the case be sent to the first instance so that this court could apply the specific sentence, thus complying with the TRL’s decision.

Today, the 4th Criminal Court of Lisbon imposed a 60-day fine at a daily rate of 20 euros, totaling 1,200 euros.

“Obviously I would do what I did again. It was an opportunity to denounce corruption and the corrupt. In addition to the bad apples of justice, some are magistrates. I am very proud of what I did”, said Ricardo Sá Fernandes, as he left the court.

The recording in question was handed over by the lawyer to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The case reached the courts but culminated in the prescription of the crime of active corruption for an illicit act for which Domingos NĂ©voa had previously been convicted.

Still inside the courtroom, today the defendant claimed that the recording was made for his defense in a “corruption case”. He added that he had a duty, as a citizen, “the obligation to report the situation”, regretting the “embarrassment he is going through” for being judged after reporting a case of corruption.

“What is at stake here is just and only a crime of illicit recording. The decision was already old and today it was just the concrete application of the penalty. What is really important is to understand if anything goes. If the pretext of anything, anything goes to obtain evidence, and it doesn’t”, maintained Artur Marques, Domingos NĂ©voa’s lawyer, upon leaving Lisbon’s criminal courts.

In the final arguments, the public prosecutor, as she could not ask for the defendant’s acquittal, as it was a hearing for the application of the specific sentence, asked for a sentence as close as possible to the minimum provided for by law.

“The court and the Public Prosecutor’s Office themselves are very upset about having to apply this penalty. This has happened since the beginning of the trial, but they were unable to carry out their intention”, highlighted Artur Marques.

After reading the sentence, the judge asked Ricardo Sá Fernandes to ensure that situations like these [illegal recordings]

“do not happen again”, hoping that this case served as a “lesson” for the defendant.

More related news

Portugal ordered to pay 4 thousand euros to lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes in the Bragaparques case

The European Court of Human Rights ordered Portugal to pay more than four thousand euros to lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes, due to the Bragaparques case. At issue is a 2014 court decision.

This Tuesday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ordered Portugal to pay more than four thousand euros to lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes, in the case of the illicit recording of a conversation with Bragaparques businessman, Domingos Névoa.

The ECtHR ruled that Portugal must pay Ricardo Sá Fernandes three thousand euros for moral damages and 1,632 euros in costs and expenses.

At issue is a 2014 judicial decision by two judges from the Lisbon Court of Appeal, Almeida Cabral and Rui Rangel, who sentenced the lawyer to pay a fine of 4,800 euros for the crime of illicit recording. Sá Fernandes had been acquitted in the first instance.

The case dates back to 2006, when Ricardo Sá Fernandes was invited by Domingos Névoa to a meeting at a hotel and secretly recorded the meeting,

in which the Bragaparques partner proposed paying 200 thousand euros so that his brother, José Sá Fernandes and former councilor in the Lisbon City Council, withdrew the legal action that prevented the Braga company from exchanging its land in Parque Mayer for that of the former Feira Popular, which belonged to the municipality.

The case pitting lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes against the Bragaparques partner Domingos Névoa lasted several years in the Portuguese courts and saw several episodes of convictions, prescription and acquittal.

The European Court of Human Rights considered that Ricardo Sá Fernandes did not benefit from a “fair trial”, in addition to finding “omissions” and “failures”.
For the ECHR, there is still a lack of impartiality on the part of the Lisbon Court of Appeal.

As part of the Bragaparques case, Domingos NĂ©voa was convicted in the first instance of active corruption for an illicit act, with the penalty consisting only of a fine of 5 thousand euros. The Lisbon Court acquitted the construction businessman, but the Supreme Court of Justice reversed that decision and sentenced NĂ©voa to a five-month prison sentence, which was suspended upon payment of 200 thousand euros to the State.

However, the process was declared time-barred by the first instance even after the Constitutional Court had outright rejected the Braga businessman’s appeal. The prescription occurred in the interval between the sending of the appeal to the Constitutional Court and the decision of the reporting judge.

More related news

Ricardo Sá Fernandes accused of being a covert agent of the MP

Ricardo Sá Fernandes is accused by the Bar Association of having acted as a covert agent of the Public Ministry in the alleged corruption attempt attributed to Domingos Névoa.

Ricardo Sá Fernandes was the target of two complaints to the Bar Association, both related to his stance in the case of alleged corruption attributed to Domingos NĂ©voa. One was presented by his office colleague, lawyer Rita Matias. The other complaint was signed by the lawyer’s client, Domingos NĂ©voa.

Ricardo Sá Fernandes requested the disciplinary process to prepare his defense, as he will appeal to the Bar Association on charges of violating lawyer’s professional secrecy. Lawyer ArmĂ©nia Coimbra, who represents Domingos NĂ©voa, confirmed to Expresso today that there was an accusation from the Bar Association against Ricardo Sá Fernandes, but did not provide further details.

In her procedural interventions, ArmĂ©nia Coimbra said that Ricardo Sá Fernandes “infringed the ethical duty of professional secrecy.” “There is no violation more shameless than that of professional secrecy”, according to ArmĂ©nia Coimbra, for whom Ricardo Sá Fernandes, with intervention as an undercover agent of the Public Ministry and the Judiciary Police, “lost his dignity and independence in the face of his conduct as an agent provocateur”.

The Coimbra case considers that in that case Ricardo Sá Fernandes was not a covert (“infiltrated”) agent but an agent provocateur, that is, he would have provoked the crime of corruption itself, an argument always defended by Braga businessman Domingos NĂ©voa and who awaits a decision of the appeal he filed with the Lisbon Court.

Domingos Névoa, sentenced to a fine of five thousand euros for alleged active corruption for a lawful act, says that the bribe proposal to José Sá Fernandes came from his own brother, lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes.

Ricardo Sá Fernandes states that Domingos Névoa proposed to hand over 200 thousand euros, allegedly intended for his brother, José Sá Fernandes, so that he could give up Parque Mayer for half the space of the Lisbon Popular Fair.

On the occasion, lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes recorded part of the conversation with Domingos NĂ©voa, in a hotel in Lisbon. Domingos NĂ©voa maintains, since the case became known, that it was the lawyer who initially “asked” him for 500 thousand euros, successively lowering the alleged proposals to 200 thousand euros.

For Ricardo Sá Fernandes, businessman Domingos NĂ©voa would also want JosĂ© Sá Fernandes to make a public statement, according to which the exchange and all business between the Lisbon City Council and Braga Parques would all be lawful, a version that has always been denied by the businessman de Braga, who says it was Ricardo Sá Fernandes who took the initiative, to “pay all the costs of the electoral campaign and personal expenses of JosĂ© Sá Fernandes.

On March 25th, Ricardo Sá Fernandes will be sentenced, in the 4th Judgment of the Criminal Court of Braga, for having considered Domingos NĂ©voa “corrupt”, after his brother was also acquitted in Braga on identical charges.

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